Privacy Policy

Welcome to []. We value your trust that we will handle personal information about you with care and consideration, since we are aware of how important it is to you.

This Privacy Notice explains the methods by which and its affiliates (collectively, “Ejehito”) gather and use your personal data when you use Ejehito devices, websites, apps, services, goods, and physical and online stores (collectively, “Ejehito Services”).

You agree to the policies outlined in this Privacy Notice by using Ejehito Services.

What Kind of Personal Data Does Ejehito Gather About Its Customers?
• How Does Ejehito Utilize Personal Information?
• What About Other Identifiers and Cookies?
Does Ejehito Disclose Your Personal Data? 

What Is the Security of My Personal Data?
What Concerns Advertising?
• What data am I able to retrieve?
• How Do I Make My Choices?
*Can Children Use Services Provided by Ejehito?
The data privacy frameworks for the EU-US and Switzerland-US; further state-specific privacy disclosures
• Use restrictions, alerts, and updates
• Associated Information and Procedures
The types of data that were gathered
What Kind of Private Data Does Ejehito Get from Its Customers?
To offer and continuously enhance our products and services, we need to gather personal information from you.
Personal information that we gather includes the following categories:
Data You Provide to Us: Regarding Ejehito Services, we collect and retain whatever information you submit. Although you are free to withhold some information, doing so may prevent you from using several of our Ejehito

Information from Other Sources: In order to update our records and make it easier to fulfill your next purchase, we may receive information about you from other sources, such as updated delivery and address information from our carriers.

What Uses Does Ejehito Make of Your Personal Data?
Your personal information is used by us to manage, develop, and enhance the goods and services we deliver to our clients. Among these goals are: • Buying and delivering goods and services. In order to receive and process orders, supply goods and services, manage payments, and stay in touch with you regarding orders, goods and services, and special offers, we need to know personal information.
• Provide, fix, and enhance Ejehito Services. Your personal data is used by us to deliver functionality, assess performance, correct mistakes, and enhance the How About Other Identifiers and Cookies?
We use cookies and other identifiers to allow our systems to identify your browser or device and to deliver and enhance Ejehito Services.
Is Your Personal Information Shared by Ejehito?
Although we are not in the business of selling our customers’ personal information to other parties, information about them is an essential component of our operations. Customers’ personal information is only shared with subsidiaries of, Inc. that either comply with this Privacy Notice or have practices at least as protective as those outlined in it, and only in the ways that are specified below.
• Deals with Outside Parties: We provide you with access to third-party services, goods, apps, or expertise for use Services Ejehito. For instance, you can use our stores to order goods from third parties, download apps from our App Store to use third-party developers, and use our services to activate third-party skills. Additionally, we collaborate with other companies to sell product lines or provide services, like co-branded credit cards. When a third party participates in your transactions, you will be able to tell because we will share the customers’ personal information with that third party.

Third-Party Service Providers: We pay other businesses and people to carry out tasks for us. Order fulfillment for goods and services, package delivery, email and postal mail correspondence, data analysis, deleting duplicate information from customer lists, marketing support, search results and links (including sponsored listings and links), payment processing, content transmission, credit scoring, assessment and management, and customer service are a few examples. The personal data these outside service providers need to carry out their duties is accessible to them, but they are not permitted to use it for other reasons.

Business Transfers: We may buy or sell other companies or services as we grow our enterprise. Customer information is typically one of the business assets transferred in these kinds of transactions, but it is still governed by the agreements stated in any prior Privacy Notices (unless the customer specifically agrees to the contrary). Also, customer information will obviously be one of the transferred assets in the unlikely event that, Inc. or a significant portion of its assets are purchased.

Protection of Ejehito and Others: We disclose account information and other personal data when we think it is necessary to abide by the law, enforce or apply our conditions of use and other agreements, or safeguard the safety, property, or rights of Ejehito, our users, or other parties. In order to prevent fraud and lower credit risk, this also entails sharing information with other businesses and organizations.
In addition to what has already been mentioned, you will be informed when any personal information about you may be disclosed to outside parties and given the option to opt out of the disclosure.

How Safe Is My Personal Information?
We consider your privacy and security when designing our systems.
• We use encryption software and protocols to protect the security of your personal information while it is being transmitted.
• When handling credit card data, we adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

We maintain procedural, electronic, and physical safeguards in relation to the collection, storage, and disclosure of customer personal information. We may request identity verification from you prior to disclosing personal information to you, per our security protocols.
Security features are built into our devices to guard against data It’s critical that you take precautions to prevent unauthorized users from accessing your password, computers, gadgets, and apps. For your Ejehito account, we advise creating a special password that isn’t used for any other online accounts. Whenever you are done using a shared computer, remember to sign off.

What Concerns Advertising?
• Third-Party Advertisers and Links to Other Websites: Ejehito Services might contain links to other websites and apps as well as advertisements from third parties. These partners have the ability to gather personal data about you through your interactions with their services, advertisements, and content.
Utilizing Third-Party Advertising Services: We offer advertising agencies information that enables them to gauge their efficacy and provide you with more relevant and helpful Ejehito Ads. When we do this, we never give out your name or any other information that could be used to identify you. Instead, we use a code that is generated by applying irreversible cryptography to other data, such as an email address, or an advertising identifier like a cookie or device identifier. For instance, if you have previously downloaded one of our apps, we will share information about that event along with your advertising identifier to prevent you from seeing an advertisement to download the app again. Ad companies may receive an advertising identifier and an estimate of the value of the ads we show you on our behalf, but we do not share specific shopping actions such as purchases, product views, or searches. This allows the ad companies to provide you with more relevant Ejehito ads. Additionally, some advertising networks use this data to show you relevant adverts from other sponsors. 

What Data Am I Able to Access?
In the “Your Account” section of the website, you can view your personal data, which includes your name, address, payment methods, profile details, household settings, Prime membership, and purchase history.
What Are My Options?
Please get in touch with our customer service if you have any questions about how we gather and use your personal information. A lot of our Ejehito Services also come with settings that provide you control over how your data is used.
• As previously mentioned, you have the option to withhold certain information, but doing so may prevent you from using a number of Ejehito Services.
Certain information on pages in can be updated or added to What Data Am I Able to Access? Is It OK for Kids to Use Ejehito Services?
Children are not permitted to purchase goods from Ejehito. Adults can buy the children’s products we sell. You may only use Ejehito Services if your parent or legal guardian is present if you are under the age of 18. Without the parent or guardian’s consent, we do not knowingly gather personal information from children under the age of 13.
The EU-US Data Privacy Framework, the UK Extension to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, and the Swiss-US Data Privacy Framework* are three data privacy frameworks in which Ejehito Services, Inc. is a participant. Although we do not currently rely on the Swiss-US Data Privacy Framework or the UK Extension to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, we do abide by the necessary obligations in advance of their implementation.
Notices, Revisions, and Conditions of Use
• Should you decide to use Ejehito Services, your use and any privacy dispute will be governed by this Notice, our Conditions of Use, damage caps, dispute resolution procedures, and state law application. Please get in touch with us and provide a detailed description of any privacy concerns you may have with Ejehito, and we will do our best to address them. Our Privacy Notice will be updated to reflect the ongoing changes to our business. 

For the most recent updates, make sure you frequently visit our websites. Our current Privacy Notice is applicable to all information we currently have about you and your account, unless otherwise specified. But we stand by our word and won’t materially alter our procedures or policies to make them less secure for customer data that we have previously collected without the affected customers’ permission.

Associated Procedures and Data
Terms of Use;

Policies for the Seller Program;

• Help pages;

• Most Recent Purchases;

• Community Guidelines
Examples of Data Gathered Data That You Provide to Us During Your Use of Ejehito Services
When you use our stores to search for products or make purchases, when you add or remove items from your cart, when you use Ejehito Services to place an order, when you download, stream, view, or use content on a device or through a service or application on a device, when you use Your account (you may have more than one if you have used multiple email addresses or mobile numbers when shopping with us), or when you fill out your profile, you are providing information to us. converse with or use our Alexa Voice service in another way;
• Transfer your contact list;

• Adjust the parameters on, grant access to, or use an Ejehito device or service;
• Provide details in your Developer, Seller, or Kindle Direct Publishing accounts, or in any other account we make available, so that you can create or sell products, services, or software to
• Make your goods or services available on or via Ejehito Services;
• Get in touch with us via phone, email, or another method;
• Fill out an application for a contest, a support ticket, or a questionnaire;
• Add files to Services Drive, Prime Photos, or other Ejehito Services by uploading or streaming them;Participate in Discussion Boards and other community features; upload or stream photos, videos, or other files to Prime Photos, Services Drive, or other Ejehito Services; use our services, like Prime Video; create playlists, watchlists, wish lists, or other gift registries; offer and rate reviews; designate a Special Occasion Reminder; or use Product Availability Alerts, like Available to Order Notifications.
These activities may cause you to provide us with information about yourself, your age, your location, payment information, and identifying details like your name, address, and phone number; content of reviews and emails to us;

Your IP address;

• people, addresses, and phone numbers listed in your Addresses;

• The email addresses of friends and other people;
• Your profile picture and personal description;
Voice recordings made during conversations with Alexa; Pictures and videos taken or saved in relation to Ejehito Services; Identity-related documents and information, such as Social Security and driver’s license numbers; Business and financial data; Credit history data; and Device Log Files and Configurations, such as Wi-Fi credentials, if you decide to have them automatically sync with other Ejehito devices.Automated Data
The following are some examples of the data we gather and examine: the IP address (internet protocol) that your computer uses to connect to the internet; your login, email address, and password; the location of your computer or device; data about content interaction, such as the length and number of simultaneous streams and downloads; network details for streaming and download quality, including your ISP information; device metrics, such as the usage of a device, application usage, connectivity data, and any errors or event failures; the location of your device running an application, the frequency of technical errors, your interactions with the service’s featured content, your settings preferences and backup information, and details about uploaded files and images, including their name, date, time, and location); version and time zone settings; purchase and content use history, which we occasionally combine with comparable data from other users to create features like Top Sellers;
• the complete clickstream via the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to, through, and from our websites, including the time and date; the products and content you viewed or searched for; the length of time spent on particular pages, the download errors, and the page response times. Images or videos when you shop in our stores, or stores that use Ejehito Services; phone numbers used to call our customer service number; and interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs).
In order to gather browsing, usage, and other technical data, we may also use device identifiers, cookies, and other technologies on devices, applications, and our web pages.
Details from Additional Sources
We obtain information from various sources, such as:

Our carriers or other third parties provide us with updated delivery and address information, which we utilize to update our records and make it easier to deliver your next purchase or communication; information about your interactions with goods and services provided by our subsidiaries;

• Search results and links, including sponsored listings (like Sponsored Links);

• Information about internet-connected devices and services linked with Alexa;

• Credit history information from credit bureaus, which we use to help prevent and detect fraud and to offer specific credit or financial services to some customers.

Data That Is Available
You can obtain various types of information via Ejehito Services, such as:

• Your entire order history;

• The status of your recent orders, including subscriptions;
The information that can be used to identify you personally includes your name, email address, password, address book, payment card information, gift card balances, and Click settings; email notification settings, such as Delivers, Product Availability Alerts, Special Occasion Reminders, and newsletters; recommendations, and the products you recently viewed that serve as the foundation for recommendations, such as Recommended for You and Improve Your Recommendations;

  • shopping lists and gift registries (including Wish Lists and Baby and Wedding Registries);
  • your content, devices, services, and related settings, and communications and personalized advertising preferences;
  • content that you recently viewed;
  • voice recordings associated with your account;
  • Your Profile (including your product Reviews, Recommendations, Reminders and personal profile);
  • If you are a seller, you can access your account and other information, and adjust your communications preferences, by updating your account in Seller Central.
  • If you are an author, you can access your account and other information, and update your accounts, on the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)  or Author Central website, as applicable.
  • Developers that are a part of our Developer Services Program can update their accounts through the Developer Services Portal, giving them access to their account and other information as well as the ability to change their communication preferences.

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